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Read More About Us...




    WE BOTH were raised in un-churched environments with alcoholism and emotional and physical abuse. Wounded by this, we carried our unhealthy emotions and behavior into our teens and early adulthood. For many years we each lived in sin participating in unhealthy living habits resulting in heartache and divorce for each of us. After 5 years of marriage to each other and through the prayers of others, we surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ as the Savior and Lord of our lives. We have been followers of Jesus for more than 30 years now. We are humbled and honored the Lord would take someone like us, with our background of sin, and use us to further His Kingdom on this earth. We are privileged to call ourselves “beloved, adopted son and daughter of the Living King Jesus Christ”!   



Since 2005, we have had the privilege to serve  in short-term  missions. Each mission was not something we sought out to do on our own but was a direct invitation to participate in what God was already doing in both the U.S. and in Ecuador, S. America.


2005 - A gift shoebox and evangelism booklet distribution with Operation Christmas Child

in Ecuador (8 days)


2006 - Two disaster relief re-building projects after Hurricane Katrina with Samaritan's Purse

in Mississippi  (8 days each)


2007 - Medical mission and evangelism campaign with E3 Partners in Esmeraldas, Ecuador (8 days)


2008 - Medical mission and evangelism campaign with E3 Partners in Tulcan, Ecuador (8 days)


2008 - Visitation at an orphanage in Conocoto, Ecuador (1 month)


2010 - Visitation at an orphanage in Conocoto, Ecuador (8 days)


2011 - Lived in Quito, Ecuador, attended language school and participated in various local ministries --- food pantry, community park      outreach, medical/vision clinics, orphanage visitations, women's prison ministry (6 months)


2014 - Sold our home, vehicles, and possessions, moved to Ecuador, attended language school 7 months, obtained our permanent residential visas and national I.D. cards, served with other ministries for 6 years, then in 2020 founded our own ministry and serve in our immediate community collaborating with local churches.



   DARRELL has been employed and/or has served “unpaid” as a Paramedic, Emergency Vehicle Driver Trainer, Paramedic Class Assistant-Instructor, Officer with the Volunteer Fire Dept, Fire Investigation Officer, Portage County Rescue Worker, Red Cross Worker and Samaritan's Purse Disaster Relief Team Leader.


   SONDRA has been employed and/or has served “unpaid” as a Family Crisis Counselor, Girl's Group Home Counselor, Production Supervisor/Job Coach for Disabled Adults, an Infant Care Worker/Supervisor, and as a North Central Wisconsin Area Coordinator for Operation Christmas Child.  



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